Meeting documents

Officer Delegated Decisions
Thursday 3rd December, 2015

State the Delegated Authority that you are relying on in order to make the decision 
Subject of decisionPioneer Credit Union.
Text of decisionIt has been agreed to provide a grant of £49,384.68 to Pioneer Credit Union which will cover the salary and on-costs of the Development and Support Officer for 2 years. The sum will be paid in 2 payments of £24,692.34 in October 2015 and October 2016.
Reason for decisionTo continue providing an ethical, affordable banking service to residents of Middlesbrough.
Other options considered (if any)None.
Declarations of Interest by any member or relevant local government bodyNone
Who have you consulted as part of the decision making process 
Date of decision23 September 2015
Service areaFinance Governance and Support
Name of Delegated Officer making the decision - iNigel Sayer
Name of the Officer making the decision - If power has been sub-delegated to another officer 
Issue date:-3 December 2015
Creation date:-14 October 2015 by browns
Background paper/Impact Assessment Report (156K/bytes)