Meeting documents

Officer Delegated Decisions
Monday 16th October, 2017

State the Delegated Authority that you are relying on in order to make the decision 
Subject of decisionChild Weight Management Services
Text of decisionTo procure a review child weight management services for Middlesbrough.
Reason for decisionTo inform the plan for services going forward.
Other options considered (if any)Option of working with the voluntary sector now being considered procurement of service currently on hold.
Declarations of Interest by any member or relevant local government bodyNA
Who have you consulted as part of the decision making process 
Date of decision4 July 2017
Service areaPublic Health & Public Protection
Name of Delegated Officer making the decision - iLindsay Cook
Name of the Officer making the decision - If power has been sub-delegated to another officer 
Issue date:-16 October 2017
Creation date:-12 October 2017 by Daniel Bewick
Background paper/Impact Assessment Emailed Delegated decision (685K/bytes)