Meeting documents

Health Scrutiny Panel
Friday 4th January, 2008 10.00 am

Business Items
1Minutes of Health Scrutiny Panel of 19 November 2007
2Life Expectancy in Middlesbrough with a particular focus on Cardiovascular Disease
 covering report for final report.rtf 
 CVD Final Report.rtf 
3Access to GP Services Outside of Core Hours
 covering report re PCT GP briefing.rtf 
4Health Scrutiny Panel's Next Topic of Review Patient Transport from JCH
 report re next topic.rtf 
5Scrutiny Review
 H - Scrutiny Reviews and Recommendations (Dec 07).doc 
 table (Health Panel) Dec 07.doc 
6Overview and Scrutiny Board Update
 OSB UPDATE REPORT TO PANELS (20&22 Nov 07).rtf 
7Any other urgent items
 report re audiology to be tabled.rtf 
8Recorded minutes of the meeting