Meeting documents

Health Scrutiny Panel
Wednesday 5th December, 2012 4.00 pm

Business Items
12/21Minutes Health Scrutiny Panel 23 October 2012
 Minutes Attached (26K/bytes) 
12/22Maternity and Paediatric Services in North Yorkshire Implications for Middlesbrough
 Report of the Scrutiny Support Officer (45K/bytes) 
 Appendix (228K/bytes) 
12/23NHS Emergency Preparedness Update
 Report of the Scrutiny Support Officer (45K/bytes) 
12/24Children with Complex Needs - Evidence from the Director of Public Health
 Report of the Scrutiny Support Officer (50K/bytes) 
 Appendix (507K/bytes) 
12/25Rollout of Doctor First Telephone Appointment Service - NHS Tees Briefing
 Introduction from NHS Tees (34K/bytes) 
 Briefing from NHS Tees (35K/bytes) 
12/26Overview and Scrutiny Board Update
 Report of the Chair of Health Scrutiny Panel (52K/bytes) 