Meeting documents

Health Scrutiny Panel
Wednesday 7th September, 2005 4.00 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of Health Scrutiny Panel 22 July 2005
2Tobacco Control Scrutiny Review - Evidence from Middlesbrough PCT
 intro reportpct7sept05.rtf 
3Tobacco Control Scrutiny Review - Evidence from North East Public HO
 intro reportnepho7sept05.rtf 
 Middlesbrough Scrutiny Report.NEPHO.MN.doc3.doc 
 Secondhand Smoke Fact Sheet.doc3.MN.doc 
4Tees Review Briefing
5Overview and Scrutiny Board
 hsp - update from 3 & 9 Aug osb mtg.rtf 
6Scrutiny Reviews - Implementation of Recommendations
 H - Scrutiny Reviews and recommendations (Aug).doc 
 table (health) (Aug).doc 
7Recorded minutes of the meeting