Meeting documents

Health Scrutiny Panel
Thursday 29th May, 2008 10.00 am

Business Items
1Minutes of meeting of Health Scrutiny Panel held on 8 May 2008
2Healthcare Associated Infections Update
 Infection Prevention & control update.ppt 
 south tees hcais 29 may 2008.rtf 
3Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - Briefing
 JSNA Briefing (May 2008) pct paper.doc 
 covering report for jsnas 29 may 2008.rtf 
4Health Scrutiny Panel Work Programme 2008 - 2009
 OSC Briefing M'bro PCT - Final.doc 
 4579 Mpct GPHC 1-3 A4.pdf 
5Middlesbrough Primary Care Trust - Statutory Consultation on Proposals to Develop General Practice
 covering report re gp developments 29may2008.rtf 
6Patient Transport Review - Additional Information
 covering report re pts extra info 29 may 2008.rtf 
7Overview & Scrutiny Board Update
 OSB update to panels May 08.doc 
8Recorded minutes of the meeting