Meeting documents

You Matter to Us - Corporate Parenting Board
Thursday 19th June, 2008 4.30 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of Corporate Parenting Board held 17 April 2008
2Overview of Corporate Parenting - Sue Little, Children's Participation Officer
 2008 June 19th - Corporate Parenting Overview & Policy.ppt 
3Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report - Sue Little
 2008 June 19th - CPB Annual Report.doc 
4Children Looked After Strategy (Draft) - Suzanne Kine, Asst Director, Intervention and Safeguarding
 2008 June 19th - Looked After Chidren Strategy.doc 
5Performance Data - Suzanne King
 2008 June 19th - CLA Profile & Trends v1.ppt 
6Take-up of Advocacy Services 2007-2008 - Sue Little
 2008 June 19th - Advocacy Annual Report.doc 
7Recorded minutes of the meeting