Meeting documents

You Matter to Us - Corporate Parenting Board
Thursday 21st July, 2005 4.30 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of previous meeting of Corporate Parenting Board held on 9 June 2005
2Caring for the Health of Children who are Looked After Away from home
 2005 21st July CLA Health Agenda day rtf.rtf 
3Middlesbrough Council Adoption Service - Statement of purpose & Children's Guide
 2005 21st July Adoption Statement of Purpose rtf.rtf 
4Middlesbrough Council Adoption Service - Annual Report for 2004/05
 2005 21st July Adoption Annual Report rtf.rtf 
5Middlesbrough Council Fostering Service - Statement of Purpose and Children's Guide
 2005 21st July Fostering Statement of Purpose rtf.rtf 
6Middlesbrough Council Fostering Service - Annual Report for 2004/05
 2005 21st July Fostering Annual Report rtf.rtf 
7Annual Inspection for Middlesbrough Council Fostering Service
 2005 21st July Fostering Annual Inspection rtf.rtf 
8Family Placement Panel Report on Activity
 2005 21st July Family Placement Panel Activity rtf.rtf 
9Recorded minutes of the meeting