Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 1st June, 2010 4.30 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 4 May 2010
2Executive feedback - substance misuse Education - Cancer screening services across the Tees Valley
 feedback from exec rep-1 June 10.doc 
 Scrutiny action Plan-Substance Missue.doc 
32009/2010 Revenue Outturn
 OSB - 1 June 10 Report Revenue Outturn 2009 2010.doc 
 OSB 1 June - Outturn report appendices.xls 
4National indicator set: 2008/2009 quartiles - Middlesbrough's performance compared nationally
 10.06.01 - OSB - NIS quartiles.doc 
5Middlesbrough Children & Young People's Trust
 Contents List for Childrens Trust Final Report.doc 
 exec summary of childrens trust final report.doc 
 Final Report Childrens Trust For OSB.rtf 
6Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
 1.6.10 OSB.doc 
7Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 1 Prog update 1 06 10.rtf 
8Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 OSB 1.06.10 - ERT Update.doc 
9Environment Scrutiny Panel
 1.6.10 ESP.doc 
10Health Scrutiny Panel
 panel to osb update - 1 june 2010.rtf 
11Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 1 June 2010.doc 
12Recorded minutes of the meeting