Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 1st July, 2008 4.30 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Board 3 June 2008
2Youth Council
 OSB Youth Council.doc 
 exec report-youth council - final version.doc 
3Executive Forward Work Programme
 Executive's forward work programme Report 01 July 08.doc 
 Scrutiny FWP table plus scru amends.doc 
4Consolidated Performance Clinic Report April 07 / 08
 OSB010708-consolidated perf clinic rep Apr-Mar 08.rtf 
5Audiology Services
 Audiology Final Report.rtf 
 Exec Summary for audiology Final Report.doc 
6Extended Schools
 Summary for Final to OSB 1.7.08.doc 
 Final for OSB.doc 
7Town Centre Parking
 FINAL REPORT - Executive Summary.doc 
 FINAL-REPORT-Town Centre Parking.doc 
8Determining the Scrutiny Work Programme 08 / 09
 Work Prog to OSB.rtf 
9Outcome of Call-In (17 June 2008) - Review of Southlands Centre Communal Workshops
 Report back to OSB on outcome.rtf 
10Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
11Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 Prog report to OSB 1 07 08.rtf 
12Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 01 1 July 2008.rtf 
13Environment Scrutiny Panel
14Health Security Panel
 panel to osb update 1 july 2008.rtf 
15Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 01 1 July 2008.rtf 
16Recorded minutes of the meeting