Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 5th June, 2007 4.00 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Board held on 1 May 2007.
2Executive Feedback - Community Engagement.
 Overview and Scrutiny Board Community Engagement.doc 
 Action Plan - Community Engagement.doc 
3Audit Commission - Audit Inspection Letter - March 2007
 OSB 050607-audit and inspection ltr March 07.rtf 
 OSB 050607-audit & inspection ltr-attachment.rtf 
4Pathways to Healthcare - The Road Map to New Hospital, Primary & Community Services & Facilities fo Teesside.
 osb report re pathways to healthcare june07.rtf 
 The Road Map to New Hospital Rev1.doc 
5Recorded minutes of the meeting