Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 6th May, 2008 4.30 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 8 April 2008.
2Executive Forward Work Programme.
 Executive's forward work programme Report.doc 
 Scrutiny FWP table plus scu.doc 
3Executive Feedback - Early Years Learning Outcomes and Sure Start - Life Expectancy with a particular focus on Cardiovascular Disease
 From Exec 1st april 08.rtf 
4Audit Commission - Audit Inspection Letter 2008
 OSB 5 May -audit commission march 08 letter.rtf 
 March 2008 letter.pdf 
5Erimus Grounds Maintenance Contract
 OSB Report 6.5.08.doc 
6Speed Cameras - (Final Report)
 Final Report to OSB- 05 08.rtf 
7Major Adaptations (Final Report)
 FINAL REPORT - Executive Summary.doc 
 FINAL REPORT - Major Adaptations.doc 
8New Approach to the Operation of the Scrutiny Function.
 Review Outcome - Changes to Scrutiny May08.doc 
9Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
10Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 OSB Progress Report CS&L - 6 May 06.rtf 
11Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 09 6 May 08.rtf 
12Environment Scrutiny Panel
13Health Scrutiny Panel
 Health to OSB 6 May 08.rtf 
14Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 09 6 May 2008.rtf 
15Recorded minutes of the meeting