Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 9th August, 2005 4.00 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of Overview & Scrutiny Board - 12 July 2005
22004/2005 4th Quarter Revenue Budget Out-turn
 Final Outturn 2004 2005 Scrutiny.rtf 
32004/2005 4th Quarter Capital Budget Out-turn
 Final Capital Outturn 2004 2005 Scrutiny.rtf 
42004/2005 Consolidated Performance Report
 main report.doc 
 appendix A.doc 
 OSB 090805-Consolidated Performance Rep.rtf 
 OSB 090805-APPENDIX A BVPIs.rtf 
5Audit Commission Comprehensive Performance Assessment - Corporate Assessment Report and Improvement Plan
 9 aug 2004 osb.doc 
 Improvement Plan - osb.doc 
6Audit Commission Report - LSP Governance Arrangements.
 LSP Governance arrangements.doc 
7Active Intelligence Mapping.
 AIM - Exec Summary.doc 
 AIM Final Report.doc 
8Executive's Forward Work Programme
 Executive's forward work programme.doc 
9Scrutiny Review - Implementation of Recommendations Update
 OSB Scrutiny Reviews and recommendations (Aug 05)update.doc 
 Table (August) Update.doc 
10Consideration of a Request for a Scrutiny Review from a member of the public
 consideration of requests for scrutiny reviews report 09-08-05.doc 
11Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
12Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 Panel to OSB 9 8 05.rtf 
13Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 02 9 August 05.rtf 
14Environment Scrutiny Panel
 02 9 Aug 05.rtf 
15Health Scrutiny Panel
16Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 02 9 Aug 05.rtf 
17Call-In Requests
 Report to OSB 9 Aug 05.rtf 
18Recorded minutes of the meeting