Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 12th December, 2006 4.00 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of Overview & Scrutiny Board held on 14 November 2006
22006/2007 2nd Quarters Revenue Budget Outturn
 2006 07 2nd Qtrs Rev Outturn.doc 
 2006 07 2nd Qtrs Rev Out Appendix B.doc 
 12 Dec - 2nd qtr Rev Outt - OSB.doc 
32006/2007 2nd Quarters Capital Budget Outturn
 12 Dec 06 - OSB Report 0607 2nd Qtrs Capital Budget Outturn.doc 
 0607 2nd Review App A 1.xls 
 0607 2nd Review Apps B & C.xls 
42nd Quarter Consolidated Performance Report April-Sept 2006
 OSB 121206-consolidated performance report.rtf 
 OSB 121206-attachment-0607 qtr2 Central Servs final report.rtf 
 OSB 121206-attachment-0607 qtr2 CFL final report.rtf 
 OSB 121206-attachment-0607 qtr2 Env final report.rtf 
 OSB 121206-attachment-0607 qtr2 Regen final report.rtf 
 OSB 121206-attachment-0607 qtr2 Social Care final report.rtf 
5Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Checks
 CRB Checks OSB 12.12.06.doc 
6Local Area Agreement - Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel - Outcome
 Ad Hoc - LAA.rtf 
7Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
 C&L Update to OSB 12.12.06.doc 
8Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 Prog rpt to OSB 12 12 06.rtf 
9Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 07 12 December 06 - ERT.rtf 
10Environment Scrutiny Panel
 C&L Update to OSB 12.12.06.doc 
11Health Scrutiny
 OSB update from panel 12dec2006.rtf 
12Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 07 12 December 06 - SCAS.rtf 
13Environment Scrutiny Panel - Scrutiny Review - Allotments Service
 Allotments - Update to ESP 1.12.06.doc 
14Recorded minutes of the meeting