Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 14th November, 2006 4.00 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on:- 18 September 200619 September 200617 October 2006
 46938 Overview and Scuntiny Board.doc 
 46938a Overview and Scrutiny Board 19 Sept 06.doc 
 47431 - OSB.doc 
2Developments in the Patient and Public Involvement Framework for Health
 PPI report for OSB 14nov06.rtf 
3Executive Feedback - Litter Bins Policy - School Meals - Out of Hours Service
 from Executive - 26 September 2006 and 24 oct 2006.rtf 
4Executive's Forward Work Programme
 Executive's forward work programme.doc 
5Outcome of Call-In Procedure - Housing Renewal Policy.
 Report to OSB 14 Nov 06.rtf 
6Parking On and Protecting Grass Verges
 Verges final OSB 14.11.06.doc 
7Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
 C&L Update to OSB 14.11.06.doc 
8Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 Prog rpt to OSB 14 11 06.rtf 
9Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 06 14 November 06 - ERT.rtf 
10Environment Scrutiny Panel
 Envt update to OSB 14.11.06.doc 
11Health Scrutiny
 hsp to osb update 14nov06.rtf 
12Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 06 14 November 06 - SCAS.rtf 
13Scrutiny Review - Implementation of Recommendations.
 OSB Scrutiny Reviews and recommendations (Nov 06).doc 
 Table (NOV 06).doc 
 table (Health) for OSB NOV 06.doc 
14Recorded minutes of the meeting