Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 15th November, 2011 4.00 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Board held on 18 October 2011
2Attendance of Executive Members at Overview & Scrutiny Board
 5 Member Attendance 15 11 11.rtf 
3Executive Feedback - final report of the Economic Regeneration & Transport Scrutiny Panel - Acklam Hall
 Completed Scrutiny Action Plan- Acklam Hall.doc 
 Feedback from Executive- 15 November 2011.doc 
4Executive's Forward Work Programme
 osb exec report-fWP 15 Noveber 2011.doc 
 Executive FWP -15 November 2011.doc 
52nd Quarter Revenue Budget Projected Outturn
 OSB Qtr 2 consolidate revenue outturn report 2011 2012.doc 
 Outturn Qtr 2 consolidated appendices a to e Members.xls 
 Residential Care for Children - 3.11.11.doc 
62nd Quarter Capital Monitoring & Review 2011/2012
 Outturn Qtr 2 consolidated appendices a to e Members.xls 
7Council Performance: 2nd Quarter 2011/2012
 OSB-Cl perf qtr 2 11-12.doc 
8Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
 C&L-OSB 15.11.11.doc 
9Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 5 Panel Update to OSB 15 11 11.rtf 
10Economic Regeneration & Transport Scrutiny Panel
 ERT - 15 November 2011.doc 
11Environment Scrutiny Panel
 ESP to OSB - 15.11.11.doc 
12Health Scrutiny Panel
 panel to osb progress 15 november 2011.rtf 
13Recorded minutes of the meeting