Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 19th September, 2006 4.00 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 22 August 2006
22006/2007 1st Quarters Revenue Budget Outturn
 19 Sept 2006 - 2006-07 1st Qtrs Revenue Outturn.doc 
 19 Sept - Apendices - 1st Qtr Rev Out.pdf 
32006/2007 1st Quarters Capital Programme 2005/06 to 2008/09
 19 Sept 2006 - 2006-07 1st Qrts Capital Programme.doc 
 Appendix A Draft 4 c -1st Qtr Capital - 19 Sept.xls 
 Appendix B Total 7b - 1st Qtr Capital - 19 Sept.xls 
4Executive Feedback - Final Report - Review of Residents Parking Scheme
 from Executive - 15 August 2006.rtf 
5Strategic Audit Plan
 Internal Audit Plan 200607.doc 
 Internal Audit Plan 200607 Appendix A.doc 
6Consolidated Performance Report (1 April - 30 June 2006)
 OSB 190906-Consolidated perf report.rtf 
7Draft Local Area Agreement
 OSB 190906-Draft LAA.rtf 
 PART 1-introduction.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 1.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 2.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 3a.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 3b.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 4.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 5.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 6a.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 6b.rtf 
 PART 2 - section 6c.rtf 
 PART 3 - appendix 1.rtf 
8Out of Hours Service - Final Report of the Health Scrutiny Panel
 Exec Summary for Out of Hours.doc 
 OOH Final Report.rtf 
 out of hours front cover.rtf 
9Parking On and Protecting Grass Verges - Final Report of the
 Verges-Summary OSB 19.9.06.doc 
 Verges Final OSB 19.9.06.doc 
10Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
 C&L Update to OSB 19.9.06.doc 
11Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 Prog rpt to OSB 19 09 06.rtf 
12Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 04 19 Sept 06 - ERT.rtf 
13Environment Scrutiny Panel
 Envt Update to OSB 19.9.06.doc 
14Health Scrutiny
 Prog rpt to OSB 19 09 06.rtf 
15Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 04 19 Sept 06 - SCAS.rtf 
16Recorded minutes of the meeting
 46938a Overview and Scrutiny Board 19 Sept 06.doc 