Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 25th August, 2009 4.30 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meeting of Overview & Scrutiny Board 28 July 2009
2Executive Feedback - Car Parking at James Cook University Hospital
 feedback from exec rep- 25 August 09.doc 
31st Quarter Revenue Budget Projected Outturn
 25 August 09 - 1st Qtr Revenue Budget Projected Outturn report.doc 
 Appendix C - Qtr 1 Revenue Outturn 25 August 09.doc 
 Final OSB 1st Qtr Revenue 2008 - 2009 appendices a,b,d,e,f,g 25 Aug 09.xls 
41st Quarter Capital Monitoring and Review 2009/2010
 Quarter 1 consolidated Appendices 09-10 A-F Final (capital) 25 Aug 09.xls 
 25 August 09 - 1st Qtr Capital Monitoring and Review 200910 report.doc 
5Love Middlesbrough? -
 FINAL REPORT - Promoting Middlesbrough second draft.doc 
6Review of Improving the Levels of Employment for People with Disabilities
 Update on Employment for People with Disabilities.rtf 
7Dementia Services in Middlesbrough
 exec summary for dementia.doc 
 Dementia Final Report - Contents Sheet.doc 
 amended dementia final report.doc 
8Practice Based Commissioning
 exec summary for PBC.doc 
 pbc final report.rtf 
9Scrutiny Review - Implementation of Recommendations
 OSB Scrutiny Reviews and recommendations - AUGUST 2009.doc 
 Table (AUGUST 2009) OSB UPDATE.doc 
10Children & Learning Scrutiny Panel
 C&L - 25.8.09 OSB.doc 
11Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 4 Panel progress to OSB 25 08 09.rtf 
12Economic Regeneration & Transport Scrutiny Panel
 OSB - 25.8.09.doc 
13Social Care & Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 social care to osb update 25 aug 2009.rtf 
14Environment Scrutiny Panel
 25.08.09 - ESP Update.doc 
15Health Scrutiny Panel
 hsp to osb update 25 aug 2009.rtf 
16Recorded minutes of the meeting