Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 28th July, 2015 4.00 pm

Business Items
15/10Final Report of the Health Scrutiny Panel - Future of GP Provision in Middlesbrough
 Report (91K/bytes) 
15/11Final Report of the Environment Scrutiny Panel - North Ormesby Market
 Report (188K/bytes) 
15/12Scrutiny Work Programme 2015/2016.
 Report (59K/bytes) 
15/13Executive Forward Work Programme
 Report (29K/bytes) 
 Appendix (131K/bytes) 
15/8Minutes - Overview and Scrutiny Board - 23 June 2015
 Copy of Minutes (140K/bytes) 
15/9Attendance of Executive Members: Councillor Rostron, Executive Member for Adult Health and Social Care
 Report (50K/bytes) 