Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Wednesday 29th March, 2006 4.00 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 28 February 2006
22005 / 2006 Third Quarter Revenue Budget Outturn.
 2005-12006 3rd Qtrs Revenue Outturn - OSB 29 March 2006.pdf 
32005/2006 Third Quarter Capital Budget Outturn.
 2005-2006 3rd Qtrs Capital Outturn - OSB 29 March 2006.pdf 
4Internal Audit Progress Report Third Quarter
 Interim Report to OSB 3rd Quarter.doc 
 Internal Audit Quarter 3 report 200506.doc 
 Internal Audit Quarter 3 Report 200506 appendix 1.doc 
 Internal Audit Quarter 3 Report 200506 Appendix B.doc 
5Strategic Risk Register and Business Continuity Management
 OSB 290306-Q3 SRR monitoring and BCM.rtf 
6Boro Buzz -
7Tobacco Control Within Enclosed Public Places
 Tobacco Final Report.rtf 
8Investigation into the Development and Enhancement of Community Engagement in Middlesbrough
 Final Report 29 3 06.rtf 
 Community Engagement.rtf 
 FINAL REPORT - Community Engagement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.rtf 
9Executive Feedback - Worklessness
 from Executive - 14 March 2006.rtf 
10Executive Forward Work Programme
 Executive's forward work programme.doc 
11Scrutiny Reviews - Implementation of Recommendations
 OSB Scrutiny Reviews and recommendations (Feb 06).doc 
 Table (FEB).doc 
 table (health) (FEB) Final.doc 
12Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
 C&L update to OSB 29.3.06.doc 
13Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 Panel to OSB 28 03 06.rtf 
14Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 10 28 March 06 - ert.rtf 
15Environment Scrutiny Panel
 Envt update to OSB 28.3.06.doc 
16Health Scrutiny
 panel to osb update 29march06.rtf 
17Social are and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 10 28 march 06 - scas.rtf 
18Recorded minutes of the meeting