Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 29th July, 2008 4.30 pm

Business Items
1Minutes of the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held as follows: 17 June 2008
2Minutes of the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held as follows 1 July 2008
3Executive Feedback - Speed Cameras - Erimus Housing Grounds Maintenance Contract
 OSB -29 July.rtf 
 Action Plan .doc 
 Action Plan.doc 
4Attendance of Executive Members at Overview and Scrutiny Board
 Exec Mbr Attendance.doc 
5Capital Programme Review.
 29 July 08 - Appendix A(i) - Capital Programme Review.xls 
 29 July 08 - Appendix A(ii) - Capital Programme Review.doc 
 29 July 08 - Appendix B - Capital Programme Review.xls 
 29 July 08 - Report - Capital Programme Review.doc 
6Patient Transport to and From James Cook University Hospital.
 Patient Transport Final Report for OSB.rtf 
7Outcome of Call-In (15 July 2008) - Unallocated Resources)
 Report to OSB Re Call In.rtf 
8Scrutiny Review - Implementation of Recommendations
 OSB Scrutiny Reviews and recommendations - JULY 2008.doc 
 Table (JULY 2008) OSB.doc 
 Table (JULY 2008) HEALTH.doc 
9Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel
10Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
 02 29 July 2008.rtf 
11Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 02 29 July 2008.rtf 
12Environment Scrutiny Panel
13Health Scrutiny Panel
 panel update to osb 29 july.rtf 
14Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel
 02 29 July 2008.rtf 
15Consideration of Requests for Scrutiny Reviews
 consideration of requests for scrutiny reviews report-non exec member (29 July 08).doc 
16Recorded minutes of the meeting