Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Board
Tuesday 30th April, 2013 4.00 pm

Business Items
12/118Minutes-Overview and Scrutiny Board 2 April 2013
 Minutes Attached (51K/bytes) 
12/119Executive Forward Work Programme
 Report of the Executive Office Manger (28K/bytes) 
 Appendix Attached (129K/bytes) 
12/120Welfare Reforms - Department of Work and Pensions Briefing
 Report of the Scrutiny Support Officer (45K/bytes) 
12/121Third Quarter Budget and Performance Further Information
 Safeguarding Pressures (39K/bytes) 
 Academic Results for Middlesbrough 2013 (115K/bytes) 
12/122Winter Pressures South Tees Health and Social Care Economy
 Final Report of the Health Scrutiny Panel (75K/bytes) 
12/123Grove Hill Regeneration Scheme - Final Report of the Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel
 Report Attached (115K/bytes) 
12/124Paperless Committee Meetings - Final Report of the Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel
 Report Attached (63K/bytes) 
12/125Scrutiny Panels - Progress Reports
 (a) Children and Learning Scrutiny Panel (36K/bytes) 
 (b) Community Safety and Leisure Scrutiny Panel (35K/bytes) 
 (c) Economic Regeneration and Transport Scrutiny Panel (38K/bytes) 
 (d) Environment Scrutiny Panel (36K/bytes) 
 (e) Health Scrutiny Panel (46K/bytes) 
 (f) Social Care and Adult Services Scrutiny Panel (39K/bytes) 
 (g) Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel (35K/bytes) 