Meeting documents

Corporate Affairs Committee
Wednesday 27th September, 2006 10.00 am

Business Items
1Minutes of Corporate Affairs Committee of 28 June 2006
2Annual Governance Report 2005/2006
 19 Sept 06 - Annual governance report MBC v3.pdf 
3School Governing Bodies - Appointment of LEA School Governors
 corporate affairs report 27 sept.doc 
4Polling Station and Polling District Review
 27th Sept 06 - Polliing Station and Polling District Review.rtf 
 Appendix A - Review of Polling Stations and Polling Districts.rtf 
 Appendix B - Polling Stations.rtf 
5Election Pilot 2007
 Election Pilot 2007.rtf 
6Local Government Ombudsman - Annual Letter 2005/06
7Statement of Accounts 2005 - 2006
 corp affairs - St of Acs 2005 2006 FINAL.doc 
 Draft Statement of Accounts - Final.pdf 
8Treasury Management Annual Report
 TM Rpt 2006 - CorpAff.rtf 
9Recorded minutes of the meeting