Meeting documents

Officer Delegated Decisions
Wednesday 8th March, 2017

State the Delegated Authority that you are relying on in order to make the decision 
Subject of decisionGuardianship Policy and Procedure – Section 7 Mental Health Act 1983
Text of decisionApprove the amendments that have been made to the Mental Health Act 1983 as a result of the Mental Health Act 2007. As an established function of the 1983 Act, Guardianship has been made subject to minor changes in its execution. From an operational perspective, the assessment and application of Guardianship remain relatively unchanged in this procedure, however its suitability is now placed in the wider context of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards as per the amendments made in the amended Mental Health Act 1983 to the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Reason for decisionThe procedure needed to be implemented by all those who believe Guardianship may be suitable for consideration when working with vulnerable young persons and adult.
Other options considered (if any)N/A

Background papers:

Mental Health Act 2007
S7 Mental Health Act 1983
Reference Guide to the Mental Health Act 1983
Code of Practice Mental Health Act 1983
Declarations of Interest by any member or relevant local government bodyN/A
Who have you consulted as part of the decision making process 
Date of decision2 March 2017
Service areaAdult Social Care & Health Integration
Name of Delegated Officer making the decision - iErik Scollay, Director of Adult Social Care & Health Integration
Name of the Officer making the decision - If power has been sub-delegated to another officer 
Issue date:-8 March 2017
Creation date:-8 March 2017 by Bernie Carr