Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Mayor and Executive
Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health submitted a report for
Executive’s consideration.
The report set out the
Council Plan 2024-27 and sought Executive endorsement on its structure and
content, setting out how the Council would work with its communities, to take
forward its shared priorities over the 2024 to 2027 period.
The intent of the report
was to provide enough information and assurance for the Executive to endorse
the Council Plan 2024-27, prior to consideration by full Council on 8 March
2024, ensuring that it remained current and reflective of major developments of
the past year, and those anticipated in the coming three years.
The Council Plan, formerly
known as the Strategic Plan, was the Council’s overarching business plan for
the medium-term, and was refreshed on an annual basis, setting out the
priorities of the Elected Mayor of Middlesbrough, the ambitions of Middlesbrough’s
communities and the ways in which the Council sought to achieve them.
Part of the Council’s
Policy Framework, the Council Plan required the approval of full Council, as
set out in the Constitution. The Council’s Budget and Policy Framework
Procedure Rules provided for the Executive to draw up firm proposals on the
Strategic Plan (Change Strategy) for submission to Full Council.
Full Council approved the
previous Strategic Plan 2021-2024 on 16 February 2021, which expressed the
previous Mayors’ priorities for the town.
This report proposed a new
Council Plan for the 2024-27 period articulating the aims and ambitions of
Mayor Cooke elected in May 2023, which are informed by, and responsive to the
views of residents and which will need to be delivered within available resources.
ORDERED that Executive endorses the final Council Plan
2024-27 and associated strategic priorities and outcomes prior to full Council
approval of the final Council Plan 2024-27 and to enable development of
detailed, supporting delivery plans.
Report author: Gemma Cooper
Publication date: 27/12/2024
Date of decision: 28/02/2024
Decided at meeting: 28/02/2024 - Executive
Accompanying Documents: