Decision Maker: 5) Executive Member for Development
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To ask the Executive to approve investment up to £1,000,000 to tackle eyesore sites.
The Director of Regeneration and Culture submitted a report, the purpose of which was to ask that the Executive approves investment of up to £1million to tackle eyesore land and property in Middlesbrough, including the possible acquisition of sites, if the approved business case recommends it.
The report outlined that a previous report about addressing eyesore sites was approved by Executive in March 2020. It set out ambitious plans to address eyesore sites and this report is to ask for the investment to realise these plans.
Where acquisition of a site is being considered a business case will be drawn up on a site by site basis. If the business case is approved by the Directors of Regeneration and Culture and Finance then contact will be made with the owner to try and voluntarily acquire the site in accordance with the Council’s Asset Acquisition Policy.
Where owners will not improve their eyesore sites or dispose of the site to someone who will improve it then the Council has a range of enforcement options that may be considered including the use of compulsory purchase powers.
Other potential decisions and why these have not been recommended
Taking no action – maintaining the status quo is not recommend as it will lead to eyesore land and property continuing to have a negative impact on communities, blighting the attractiveness of the town and preventing opportunities for Middlesbrough’s economy.
That the Executive
approves investment of up to £1million to tackle eyesore land and property in
Middlesbrough, including the possible acquisition of sites if the approved
business case recommends it.
The decisions were
supported by the following reason:
Pro-active action has
been used to tackle eyesore sites in Middlesbrough since at least 2009 and
significant progress has been made. The acquisition of sites will allow
solutions to be found for the most prominent and/or problematic long-term
eyesore sites. This supports the Council’s Strategic Plan.
Report author: Richard Horniman
Publication date: 25/01/2022
Date of decision: 13/10/2021
Decided at meeting: 13/10/2021 - Executive Member - Regeneration
Accompanying Documents: