Issue - meetings

Improving Our Highways

Meeting: 10/05/2022 - Executive (Item 133)

133 Improving our Highways pdf icon PDF 562 KB

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The Executive Member for Environment, Finance and Governance and the Director of Environment and Community Services submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to request the Executive to approve prioritisation of immediate works required for 2022/23 (detailed in Appendix 1 of the submitted report), on the premise that during which time a re-evaluation exercise would be undertaken to address the approach to Red / Amber carriageway defects.


The deterioration of national carriageways was an issue across the country. In Middlesbrough, 15% of all carriageways were currently rated Red / Amber. It was therefore appropriate to re-evaluate the approach to maintaining and improving highway assets, with a view to improving the condition of the road network.


The estimated cost of dealing with all Red / Amber roads using existing contracts was £18.9m. The submitted report described how savings of 18% could be derived, reducing the bill to £15.5m. It was thought that the tendering process would not be complete until December 2022 and therefore the report recommended an approach that would result in £2m of works commencing within Quarter Two of 2022/23.


Whilst the work took place, a re-evaluation exercise would be undertaken to address Red / Amber carriageway defects as per Department for Transport classifications; developing a longer-term strategy for maintenance and improvements to carriageways, in-line with the medium-term financial plan.


The Executive was in agreement that the significant investment of £15 million would enable the Council to develop a planned approach for identifying, maintaining and improving carriageways in Middlesbrough.




Due to the significant levels of deterioration across the road network and the due diligence work undertaken as part of the submitted report, no other options had been considered.




1.      That identification and progression of focused activity in 2022/23 be approved to address the worst-affected 12.9% of Red / Amber roads at a cost of £2m (detailed at Appendix 1), noting that in doing so higher direct award prices (estimated at approximately £360k) would be incurred.

2.      That the undertaking of re-evaluation exercise be approved, in developing a longer-term strategy for identifying, maintaining and improving carriageways to address 100% of Red / Amber roads, tendering for works via the NEPO framework.




To provide the necessary detail to allow the Executive to make an informed decision based on need and impact, whilst demonstrating that the service remained fit for purpose to best address the needs of the town.