Issue - meetings

Members Small Schemes Allocation

Meeting: 11/01/2022 - Executive (Item 92)

92 Elected Members Small Scheme Allocation 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 342 KB


The Executive Member for Environment and Finance & Governance and the Director of Finance submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to provide information on the proposed Elected Members Small Scheme Allocation for 2021/22.


Members had previously approved funding within the capital programme for the Elected Members Small Scheme (EMSS).


A total of 16 applications had been received with a total value of £167,660, against a budget of £113,000.


The schemes had been scored against the following criteria with a maximum of 80 points:


·        strength of links with Council’s Strategic Plan;

·        outputs, benefits and social value;

·        savings payback achieved and value for money; and

·        project risks


The scored schemes were detailed in the table below paragraph 6 of the submitted report.


Not all the applications had identified match funding. Where a contribution on match funding was required, that had been agreed with the budget holder for the Local Transport Plan.


Not all the applications identified projected maintenance, or running costs, for future years. However, respective service area budget holders had indicated that those costs were minimal and could be absorbed within existing budgets.


All applications relating to traffic calming would require further public consultation before they could be delivered.


All applications relating to CCTV would be subject to a more detailed technical assessment, as part of the wider Community Safety Strategy.


The Mayor commented that public objections to one element of Councillor Wilson’s scheme had been received. Therefore, it was proposed that the scheme be agreed in principle, subject to further consultation.




Members could have agreed to one of the other options at point 23 of the submitted report. That was not recommended, as they were a less effective use of resources.




1.      That the Elected Members Small Scheme allocation 2021/22 be approved, subject to further public consultation being undertaken in respect of an element of Councillor Wilson’s scheme.

2.      That, following consultation, delegated authority be provided to the Mayor to agree said element of Councillor Wilson’s scheme.

3.      That option 4 from the table at point 23 be agreed.




The option planned to allow for all approved schemes to be funded direct from the EMSS 2021- 22 and 2022-23 allocation, negating the need for a further bidding round in April 2022 and allowing for the Ward Initiatives scheme budget and PSPO & CCTV Provision budget to be utilised for other priorities.