Issue - meetings

Refreshing the Strategic Plan Workplan for 2022-2025 Period

Meeting: 05/04/2022 - Executive (Item 116)

116 Refreshing the Strategic Plan Workplan for the 2022-24 Period pdf icon PDF 312 KB

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The Mayor and the Chief Executive submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to present a revised Strategic Plan workplan, which would address issues identified in the recent budget consultation, including infrastructure within the town.  The report planned to seek approval of the proposed revisions to the Strategic Plan workplan for the 2022-2024 period, to demonstrate progress towards and achievement of Council approved Strategic Plan outcomes.


Appendix 1 of the submitted report set out the proposed revised Strategic Plan workplan 2022-24.


In conjunction with the refresh of the Strategic Plan workplan for the 2022-24 period, Directorate Priorities had also been refreshed for the period 2022/23. That demonstrated a whole-Council approach to support delivery of the Council’s strategic aims and priorities. As operational matters and for noting, Directorate Priorities for 2022-23 were detailed at Appendix 3 of the submitted report.



It was imperative that the Council effectively articulated and communicated an overarching plan, which directed activity across Directorates towards the achievement of its strategic priorities. As such, no other options had been considered.




1.     That the proposed Strategic Plan workplan activities be approved to assure achievement of the Council’s strategic aims and priorities for the 2022-25 period.

2.     That the delegation of approval for minor amendments to in-quarter timescales to the Chief Executive be agreed and that any significant variation to approach or deliverables be reported via the quarterly corporate performance results reports to Executive for approval.

3.     That the Directorate Priorities for 2022/23 be noted, which together with the Strategic Plan workplan, comprised an overall strategic delivery plan.




To provide the necessary detail to demonstrate robust delivery plans of the Council’s strategic priorities and assurance of the associated governance.