Issue - meetings

Cultural Investment Prospectus

Meeting: 10/05/2022 - Executive (Item 130)

130 Cultural Capital Investment Prospectus pdf icon PDF 181 KB

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The Executive Member for Culture and Communities and the Director of Regeneration and Culture submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to:


a)    brief the Executive Members on the Cultural Capital Investment Prospectus and Cultural Partnership; and

b)    seek support for the Cultural Development Fund.


The Cultural Capital Investment Prospectus, developed by Middlesbrough Cultural Partnership, was a live document that brought together the current opportunities for investment within the town’s creative sector.


The partnership had held an online event on Monday 25 April 2022 to officially launch the prospectus to both internal and external stakeholders, who would be instrumental to delivering the projects detailed in the prospectus.


The partnership worked collectively to bid for the Cultural Development Fund (CDF) for an investment of £4.25 million in the town. Organisations involved in the bid included Middlesbrough Council, MIMA, The Auxiliary, Middlesbrough Railway Station and Platform Arts. The partnership had successfully been awarded £4.25 million from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.


Feasibility studies had been completed by consultants and a breakdown of the elements that the funding planned to cover, for each of the respective organisations, was tabulated underneath paragraph 7 of the submitted report.


The Executive commended the work undertaken by the Head of Culture and the Cultural Services Team in securing funding of £4.25 million from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.



A further option would have been to not accept the funding, which was not recommended as the Council had applied for it.




1.     That the development of Middlesbrough Cultural Partnership’s plans for investment across the town be supported.

2.     That, provided the holistic budget limit was not exceeded, the Director of Regeneration and Culture and Director of Finance be delegated authority on all decisions pertaining to the delivery of the Cultural Development Fund, including:

o    entering into a funding agreement with Arts Council England;

o    procurement and contractual arrangements;

o    appointment of specialist advisors;

o    marketing and communications; and

o    asset management and operations.




The funding had been secured to deliver significant improvements across the cultural provision of the town.