132 Green Strategy - Year Two Action Plan PDF 373 KB
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Executive Member for Environment, Finance and Governance and the Director of
Environment and Community Services submitted a report for the Executive’s
consideration. The purpose of the report was to seek approval of Middlesbrough Council’s Green Strategy Year Two Action Plan
and to summarise the progress made in Year One.
Green Strategy had three main aims:
To make Middlesbrough Council net carbon neutral by 2029.
To ensure Middlesbrough as a town was net carbon neutral by 2039.
To make Middlesbrough a lead authority on environmental issues
Green Strategy was an overarching climate change and sustainability strategy
that contained a number of themed action plans based upon the One Planet Living
(OPL) framework and principles, which were:
Zero Carbon;
Zero Waste;
Land Use and Wildlife
and Sustainable Water;
Sustainable Transport;
Culture and Community;
Health and Happiness;
Equity and Local
Local and Sustainable
Food; and
Sustainable Materials.
Strategy had been adopted and approved by Executive in 2021 and had delivered a
range of achievements in Year One (2021/22), which were summarised
at paragraph 5 of the submitted report.
Mayor raised a query regarding Middlesbrough’s recycling
rates. The Director of Environment and Community Services explained that Middlesbrough’s current recycling rate was 33% and the
Council was undertaking work to educate residents on recycling. It was also
added that a new Government Bill would propose plans to boost recycling and detail new targets.
Member commented that it would be beneficial for electric car charge points to
be promoted and a map of locations to be developed.
The other option was to do nothing and to not approve
the proposed Year Two Action Plan - That would have resulted in the Council not
meeting its set climate change obligations and ambitions to be a lead authority
on environmental initiatives and therefore was not recommended for that reason.
That the progress achieved in Year One (2021/22) of the Green Strategy,
as outlined, be noted and the following
Year Two (2022/23) actions be approved:
Commence with data capture for carbon emissions for the town of Middlesbrough.
Enhance digital connectivity and develop a digital poverty strategy.
Develop a culture programme for parks with
green credentials.
Deliver an Eco-festival.
Introduce active travel measures and hubs.
Establish a green social prescribing model.
Develop clean air zones.
Work with suppliers to help them reduce their carbon footprint.
Develop a social value framework and charter for Council procurement
Establish a food re-distribution hub in Middlesbrough.
Develop five new community growing sites.
Achieve the Sustainable Food Places Gold Award with a ‘22 Carrot Gold’
Develop two new nature reserves.
Purchase new machinery which will help manage meadows and verges more
Plant 13,000 trees and sow 80,000m2 of urban meadows.
Work with business and organisations to help
them further reduce their carbon impact and explore energy saving measures.
Further expand the Council’s electric vehicle fleet.
· Work with the Tees Valley Combined Authority to install new electric vehicle charging points in ... view the full minutes text for item 132