Issue - meetings

Strategic Plan 2021-2024 - Progress at Year End 2021/22

Meeting: 14/06/2022 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Corporate Performance Update: 2021/22 Year End Results pdf icon PDF 356 KB

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The Mayor and the Chief Executive submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to advise of corporate performance at year-end 2021/22 and where appropriate seek approval of any changes.


Overall, at year-end, there had been a slight improvement in performance from the quarter three reported position, with progress towards expected performance standards (as set out in the Council’s risk appetite) achieved in three out of seven areas.


In terms of the progress in delivering Executive actions, at year-end, 39 of 51 live actions (76.5%) were reported as on target to be delivered by the agreed timescales, with 7 proposed amendments set out at Appendix 1 of the submitted report. All remaining Executive actions were expected to be achieved within their approved timescales. Further information was detailed at paragraphs 8 to 10 of the submitted report.


In terms of progress in delivering the Strategic Plan 2021-24, at 2021/22 year-end, 10 out of 24 (41.7%) of the Strategic Plan outcomes were either improving or static against the quarter three position, with 10 (41.7%) worsening. As some measures were updated annually, there was no trend information available for 4 (16.7%) outcome measures at the present time. At 2021/22 year-end, performance against the Strategic Plan workplan was exceeding the corporate target of 90%. Further information on outcomes, the workplan and the Strategic Risk Register was detailed at paragraphs 11 to 25 of the submitted report.


In terms of progress in delivering directorate priorities, at 2021/22 year-end, 60% (65) of directorate priorities were completed, which was below the expected standard of 90%. Performance in delivering mitigating actions associated with high or medium risks on Directorate Risk Registers was 90% and 93% respectively, above the performance standard of 90%. Further information on progress in delivering directorate priorities was detailed at paragraphs 26 to 28 of the submitted report.




1.      That the proposed amendments to Executive actions, outlined at Appendix 1, be approved.

2.      That the achievement in implementation of the Strategic Plan 2021-24 at 2021/22 year-end, detailed in Appendix 2, be noted.

3.      That in light of the position outlined in the report, the Council’s updated position in relation to Strategic Risk be noted.

4.      That the 2021/22 year-end achievement in delivery of the 2021/22 directorate priorities, detailed in Appendix 3, be noted.




To enable the effective management of performance and risk in line with the Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance.