Additional documents:
Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel had
undertaken a review of the Green Strategy. A copy of the full report was
scrutiny panel had made 10 recommendations upon which a response was sought
from the relevant service area. The Executive Member for Environment and the
Director of Environment and Community Services submitted a service response to
the recommendations of the Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure
Scrutiny Panel. A copy of the action plan was attached.
Chair of the Economic Development, Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny
Panel presented the final report to the Executive. The Executive Member for
Environment presented the service response.
That the content of the Economic Development, Environment and
Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel’s final report, on the Green Strategy, be noted.
2. That the action plan,
developed in response to the scrutiny panel’s recommendations, be approved.
It was a requirement that Executive formally
considered the scrutiny panel's report and confirmed the service area's
response to the panel's accompanying plan.
Additional documents:
Chair approved a request presented by the Chair of the Economic Development,
Environment and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel that the item be referred back to
the scrutiny panel. The proposal planned to enable the scrutiny panel to review
the content of its final report and consider the inclusion of additional