Issue - meetings

Welfare Strategy

Meeting: 12/07/2022 - Executive (Item 15)

15 Welfare Strategy pdf icon PDF 253 KB

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The Executive Member for Finance and Governance and the Director of Finance submitted a report for the Executive’s consideration. The purpose of the report was to seek approval to adopt a new Welfare Strategy, which brought together a significant number of existing and future policies under one overall strategic approach.


The intended purpose of the Welfare Strategy was to support Middlesbrough’s most vulnerable residents (which formed part of the strategic plan), who were in need of financial assistance, advice and support. The strategy provided a menu of support mechanisms that were designed to respond to situations such as the recent cost of living crisis, consequences of the pandemic (also linking in to the strategic plan), and any other external factors that impact the financial pressures on residents and businesses. The strategy was designed to provide a single point of contact as a means to access that support.


The proposed Welfare Strategy was included at Appendix 1 of the submitted report.




No other potential decisions had been recommended as the strategy provided an overarching and consolidated approach to considering residents’ needs in line with the approved supporting policies which informed the strategy.




1.      That the Welfare Strategy be adopted.

2.      That delegated authority be provided to the Director of Finance, as Section 151 Officer, to approve any future revisions to the strategy.




The Council now had a significant number of welfare related policies and those would continue to evolve over time. The adoption of the Welfare Strategy planned to provide a corporate and coordinated approach which would ensure future policies would complement and strengthen the strategy.


The Welfare Strategy planned to ensure targeted support was provided for the financially vulnerable within the town, through a menu of financial assistance, advice and support.