Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance Report: Quarter Three 2022/23

Meeting: 14/02/2023 - Executive (Item 88)

88 Corporate Performance Report -2022/23 Q3 pdf icon PDF 647 KB

Additional documents:


The Mayor submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


The report advised Executive of corporate performance at the end of Quarter Three 2022/23 and where appropriate sought approval of any changes, where those were within the authority of the Executive.


The Council’s Scheme of Delegation gave Executive collective responsibility for corporate strategic performance, together with associated action.


This report provided the necessary information to enable Executive to discharge its performance management responsibilities, setting out progress against Executive action, the Strategic Plan and other key associated items, together with actions to be taken to address any issues identified.


The projected 2022/23 financial outturns were presented separately to this meeting of Executive at agenda item 5. Where performance had a significant impact on finances this was highlighted within the body of the report.




No other options were put forward as part of the report.




That Executive:


1.     Approve the proposed changes to Executive actions, detailed in Appendix 1;

2.     Note progress of delivery of the Strategic Plan 2022-24 at Quarter Three 2022/23, detailed in Appendix 2;

3.     Approve the proposed changes to the Strategic Plan workplan initiatives, detailed in Appendix 3;

4.     Note the Council’s updated position in relation to Strategic Risk, at Quarter Three 2022/23 at Appendix 4; and

5.     Note progress of the 2022/23 Directorate Priorities at Quarter Three 2022/23, detailed in Appendix 5.




To enable the effective management of performance and risk in line with the Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance.