Issue - meetings

Approval of the Taxi Licensing Policy 2022

Meeting: 08/11/2022 - Executive (Item 56)

56 Approval of the Taxi Licensing Policy 2022 pdf icon PDF 439 KB

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The Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health, Public Protection and Digital Inclusion and the Director of Adult Social Care and Health Integration submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


The purpose of the report was to seek approval for the Taxi Licensing Policy 2022. Each Local Authority was required to set the standards it requires of its hackney carriage and private hire drivers, vehicles and operators by imposing local policies and conditions.


A review of the current policy had been undertaken in line with the new Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards recommended by the Department of Transport. Those standards were designed to improve consistency in the taxi licensing system across Local Authorities and to reduce the risk of harm to all passengers, particularly focussing on those presented to children and vulnerable passengers.


In addition, several additional changes had been made to the Policy which were requested by the Taxi Trade. These changes related to streamlining the application process, reducing costs and to align the Council’s processes with other Local Authorities.  




Not to amend the current Taxi Licensing policy as proposed and the existing policy would remain in place - this was not recommended. The Department of Transport ‘s Statutory Standards improve consistency in the taxi licensing system across Local Authorities and reduce the risk of harm to all passengers particularly focussing on safeguarding of young people and vulnerable passengers. There was a potential risk of legal challenge and reputational damage to the authority if the standards were not adopted. The additional policy changes proposed by the taxi trade would streamline the application process, reduce costs and align the Council’s processes with other local authorities. 




That Executive approve the Taxi Licensing Policy 2022.




Licensing authorities must reach their own decisions, both on overall policies and on individual licensing matters, in light of the relevant law. However, the Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards may be drawn upon in any legal challenge to the Council’s practice and any failure to adhere to the standards, without sufficient justification, could be detrimental to the authority’s defence.