Issue - meetings

Re-procurement of a Bereavement and Suicide Postvention Support Service (South Tees)

Meeting: 24/01/2023 - Executive (Item 74)

74 Re-procurement of a Bereavement and Suicide Postvention Support Service (South Tees) pdf icon PDF 489 KB


At this point in the meeting the Executive Member for Regeneration returned to the meeting.


The Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health, Public Protection and Digital Inclusion and the Director of Public Health submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


This purpose of the report was to seek approval for Middlesbrough Council to undertake re-procurement for a Bereavement and Suicide Postvention Support Service with a view to commence 1st April 2023 for a period of 3 years with an option to extend dependant on funding.


A Bereavement and Suicide Postvention Support Service had been commissioned

through the public health grant since 2016. The current contract expired on 31st March 2023 with no remaining options to extend.


Retention of bereavement and postvention support provision was required to promote the emotional and mental wellbeing of bereaved people of all ages across our borough to enable them to understand their grief and cope with their loss. To support those bereaved or affected by suicide, to support recovery and to prevent adverse outcomes, including suicide and suicidal ideation and healthy recovery of the affected community.


The demand for bereavement services and specific suicide postvention bereavement support continued to be consistently high and was a key area of action in the Preventing Suicide in England Strategy and the Tees Suicide Prevention Implementation Plan – “To provide better information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide”


Relevant Officers from across Middlesbrough Council had considered and inputted into the report.




‘Do nothing’ – the Council would not have a specialist bereavement service that could support local people of all ages and provide effective and timely support for those bereaved or affected by suicide.




That Executive approve Middlesbrough be part of a re-procurement of a South Tees Bereavement and Postvention Support Service with a view to commence the new Page 39 4 service on 1st April 2023 for a period of 3 years with 2-year optional extensions.




The current contract with incumbent provider will end 31st March 2023 and there were no remaining options to extend. Request to re-procure and retain a bereavement and suicide postvention support offer for our local residents of all ages.


A South Tees contract with shared specification and pathway referral ensured economies of scale and options for access to support.


The demand for bereavement services and specific suicide postvention bereavement support continued to be consistently high and was a key area of action in the Preventing Suicide in England Strategy and the Tees Suicide Prevention Implementation Plan – “To provide better information and support to those bereaved or affected by suicide.”