Issue - meetings

Tender Pipeline 2023/24 and Corporate Procurement Strategy 2023-26

Meeting: 14/02/2023 - Executive (Item 94)

94 Tender Pipeline 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 308 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Member for Finance and Governance submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


The report sought approval of the Council’s tender pipeline for 2023/24 and to agree delegation of award to the relevant Director in consultation with their Executive Member and the development and publication of the Corporate Procurement Strategy 2023-26.


A tender pipeline for April 2023 to 31st March 2024 had been developed as part of the Council’s governance processes; the report sought Executive approval for that planned procurement activity and delegated authority for contract award to the relevant Director in consultation with their Executive Member.


The tender pipeline for 2022/23 had 28 tenders proposed with their status being:



·        18 – Tenders had been awarded

·        5 – Tenders were currently ongoing

·        1 – Tender did not progress and was no longer required

·        4 – Tenders publications dates were delayed and would now be published in 2023/24.




There were no options put forward as part of the report.




That Executive approve the tender pipeline for 2023/24 including delegation of responsibility for award of contract to the relevant Director in consultation with their Executive Member and development and publication of the new Corporate Procurement Strategy 2023-26.




To continue to have strong governance arrangements in place for procurement activity carried out by the Council.