77 Site L (North) Coulby Newham – Disposal - PART A PDF 902 KB
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The Executive Member for Regeneration and the Director of Regeneration submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.
The report sought Executive approval to dispose of the Council’s freehold interest in Site L (North) Coulby Newham. Shown edged on the plan attached at Appendix 1 of the report, Site L (North) was a vacant parcel of land occupying a visually prominent location adjacent the Parkway Centre in Coulby Newham.
The subject parcel of land comprised a vacant development site situated between Cropton Way, Newham Way and Dalby Way. Triangular in shape and with some tree cover to the eastern boundary adjacent Newham Way, the predominately grassed site was both open and level, measuring @ 1.15 Acres [0.465 Ha].
The site was located amongst mixed commercial, retail and leisure uses with a Tesco Supermarket Store situated immediately to the west, and the Parkway Medical Centre and Children’s Day Nursery situated immediately to the south.
In accordance with the strategy objectives of the Council to secure capital receipt payments and generate recurring business rates revenue income streams from the disposal of surplus land and property assets, the site was declared surplus by the Council and programmed for disposal during the current financial year.
Re-use for operational purposes
No Council operational service requirement had been
Other uses
Although the property was capable of being used for other
purposes, future use of the site for mixed commercial, retail and leisure
purposes as proposed, was preferred.
Do nothing
The property would remain underutilised, with the Council
not in a position to either
receive a significant capital receipt or generate any
long-term recurring business rates revenue income from the property going
Whilst the subject property would be retained for
potential Council use in the future, the liability and responsibility for
maintaining and holding the property would remain with the Council in the
That Executive be asked to:
Note the information contained within
Part A of the report; and
Take the decision to dispose of the
subject property once all the financial or exempt information contained within
Part B of the report has been considered.
Disposal as proposed would generate a significant capital
receipt, increase annually recurring revenue streams and also bring the subject
property into far more beneficial use in the future.
Disposal of the property supported delivery of the
Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan.