Issue - meetings

Children's Services MTFP

Meeting: 14/02/2023 - Executive (Item 91)

91 Children's Services Financial Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 182 KB

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The Deputy Mayor and Executive Member for Children’s Services submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


The purpose of the report sought Executive’s approval for the Children’s Services Financial Improvement Plan. To progress delivery of the plan the report sought approval:


·        To commission a single managed project team, linked to saving 2 on the plan; and

·        To develop an in-house family support team.


In preparation for budget setting, focussed work had been undertaken within the arena of Children’s care. This work has consisted of the following:


·        Reviewed and completed a forecasting exercise for 23/24 to understand the realistic budget based on an “as is” basis;

·        Reviewed the savings proposals for 23/24 to determine deliverables and identify any “at risk” savings; and

·        Develop a children’s financial improvement plan for 23/24 and 24/25 which would incorporate the “at risk” savings and identify new savings opportunities to be progressed.


The detail of those elements was included within the narrative of the report.




Do nothing. The projected increase in investment had been based on the “as is” position, therefore if no action were taken the £9.8million would need to be factored into the budget preparation with no mitigating actions, along with the consideration that a number of savings have been identified as “at risk” for delivery.




That Executive


1.     Note the contents of the report;

2.     Approve the implementation of the Children’s Financial Improvement Plan; and

3.     Approve the actions required to deliver the improvement plan, namely the commissioning of a single managed team and also development of an in-house team for delivery of edge of care.




The service area had conducted due diligence in regard to proposed savings and completed focussed work to identify the projected expenditure for 23/24. Through this planning the position was understood as part of budget preparation, as opposed to a position of significant overspend in-year. The plan presented sought to mitigate in part the impact of increasing spend.