55 Appointment of External Auditors 2023/2024-2027/2028 PDF 334 KB
A report of the Director of
Finance (Section 151 Officer) was presented to update the Committee on the
allocation of an external auditor for the Council for the financial years
2023/24 to 2027/28. This followed Middlesbrough
Council’s participation in a national selection scheme undertaken by Public
Sector Audit Appointments over the summer of 2022. It was relevant given the Committee’s remit
in relation to receiving and considering reports and conclusions reached by the
auditor each financial year.
Towards the end of October 2022,
notification was received that the Council had been provisionally allocated
Mazars LLP as their external auditor from 1 April 2023. This also applied to the Teesside Pension
Fund and would be for the next five years.
The notification outlined the key
elements of the selection process and some minor changes to the contracts
currently in place. If there were any
comments or objections to the proposed appointment, then those could be made to
the PSAA during November. Final appointments would then be confirmed by 31
December in line with statutory requirements.
Following discussion with the other local authorities in the area, it
was established that Mazars had been allocated to all five local authorities
and that the comments made had been considered in the selection process. As a result of this, no comments were made to
PSAA and the appointment was confirmed at the end of
Although the contract with Mazars starts from the 1 April 2023, the existing contract with EY still has some time to run. The Council was in the final stages of the audit sign-off for 2020/21, almost 15 months behind the statutory deadline. EY were currently undertaking the main fieldwork phase for the 2021/22 audit with a likely timeline being late 2023 for a potential sign off these accounts. The closure and preparation of the accounts for 2022/23 would be between April and June this year, with a possible sign off of these accounts (after audit) in mid to late 2024.
It was confirmed that there would
be no overlap of audit fees and these would be paid in separate accounting
In addition to this, there was
continuing work with EY around the Council’s governance qualification from
2020/21 and on-going issues within Children’s Services. It was likely that the current auditors would
be with the Council for a further 1-2 years before this work was complete. The
Director of Finance would co-ordinate the remaining work with EY and reports
would continue to be produced as updates to the Committee in the normal way.
As yet, there had been no contact between the Council’s senior finance staff and Mazars. Although the contract from PSAA starts from 1 April 2023, most of their work would be around the financial year-end starting from March 2024. There would be planning work for them to do based on the budget setting process for 2023/24 and sharing of information and updates with EY on continuing work. The Committee would be kept up to date with ... view the full minutes text for item 55