15 Nunthorpe Grange Farm - Disposal Part - A PDF 464 KB
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The Executive Member for Regeneration submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.
The report sought Executive approval to dispose of the Council’s freehold interest in land at Nunthorpe Grange Farm in accordance with the Council’s Asset Disposal Process.
The subject parcel of land identified for disposal formed part of a much larger, now defunct, agricultural landholding situated at Nunthorpe Grange Farm situated close to both Poole Roundabout on the junction of Guisborough Road [A1043] with Stokesley Road, and the site of the newly constructed Nunthorpe Medical Centre building.
Shown edged on the plan attached as Appendix one of the report, the subject parcel of land measures 4.218 Acres [1.7069 Hectares].
Rectangular in shape, the property comprised a vacant open area of farmland with hedgerow lining the boundaries with Guisborough Road [A1043] to the south, and Stokesley Road to the west.
Access to the subject parcel of land would be taken from publicly adopted highway, via the newly constructed carriageway that served Nunthorpe Medical Centre.
The property was situated in the Nunthorpe Ward and the respective Ward Members had been consulted. Members would be further consulted on any subsequent proposal made as part of the normal planning process.
An Asset Disposal Business Case confirming the status of the property as surplus to operational Council requirements and the interest of The Trustees of Thornfield Gospel Hall Trust in purchasing the asset was attached as Appendix three of Part B of the report.
ORDERED that Executive:
Note the information contained within
Part A of the report; and
Agree to dispose of the subject property
to The Trustees of Thornfield Gospel Hall Trust once all the financial or
exempt information contained within Part B of the report has been considered.
Re-use for operational purposes
No Council operational service requirement has been
Other uses
Although the property is capable of being used for other
purposes, future use of the site for the purposes of religious worship as
proposed by the Buyer, is preferred.
Do nothing
The property would remain in its present state,
unutilised. Whilst the subject land would be retained for potential Council use
in the future, the liability and responsibility for maintaining and holding the
property would remain with the
Council in the interim.
Disposal as proposed would generate a significant capital
receipt and also secure the third party investment needed to bring the property
into a far more beneficial future use.
Disposal of the site supported delivery of the Council’s
Medium Term Financial Plan.