Issue - meetings

Town Centre Funding and Community Safety

Meeting: 04/10/2023 - Executive (Item 25)

25 Town Centre Funding and Community Safety pdf icon PDF 535 KB


The Mayor and Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Protection submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


The purpose of the report was to review a previous Executive decision and propose an alternative delivery plan utilising the revised funding envelope. The report also reviewed specific savings identified during the 2023/24 budget setting process as well as requesting consideration was given to these service areas when setting the medium to long term financial plan.


This report reviewed the decision of Executive on the 18 October 2022 regarding the Town Centre Strategy (targeted support) Report. It also reviewed some savings proposals set as part of the 2023 budget.


The Town Centre Strategy (Targeted Support) report approved by Executive on October 2022 recommended the use of UKSPF and the IGF to make several interventions into the town centre. This was set out in Table 1.0 in the report.


At the time the report was agreed it was assumed that there was revenue grant available within the IGF. It was subsequently confirmed there was only capital grant available, meaning it could not be used to fund revenue activity. Therefore, the level of activity set out in Table 1.0 was limited with the delivery plan requiring revision to reflect this change. This revision also needed to take account of the new strategic direction as well as reflecting the fact some activity has been completed and others were due to be completed.


The impact of savings agreed at Full Council on 27 February 2023 also needed to be considered when reviewing the delivery plan and how grant funding could legitimately be maximised in line with grant conditions to deliver on the new strategic priorities.


ORDERED that Executive:


1.    Approve the revision to the approved street lighting saving – lighting levels will remain and funded via un-ringfenced grant to the end of 2023/24

2.    Approve the revised delivery plan and funding as presented in table 2.0.

3.    Note that the arrangements apply to 2023/24 financial year only, with the exception of £260,000 of UKSPF grant funding being available within financial year 2024/25, and future levels of delivery will be considered as part of 2024/25 budget process to be approved by Council in February 2024

4.    Note and accept the Police and Crime Commissioner grant described at paragraph 13

5.    Approve the establishment of a further 10 FTE wardens on a 12 month fixed term contract over 2023/24 and 2024/25 financial year.



It could have been agreed not to fund the activities outlined and use some of the grant for other purposes. However, this would have significantly affected the ability of those services to operate which were a priority for the Mayor and Executive.




To ensure that the town centre was supported within the funding available whilst protecting the savings requirement of the authority and ensured that the wider town was supported in respect of community safety.