Issue - meetings

Corporate Procurement Strategy 2023-2026

Meeting: 10/04/2024 - Executive (Item 99)

99 Corporate Procurement Strategy 2023-2025 pdf icon PDF 313 KB

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The Executive Member for Finance and Governance submitted a report for Executive consideration.


The report sought approval of the Council’s Corporate Procurement Strategy 2024 – 2026.


The current strategy was in place from 2020 to 2023 and a new strategy was required. A new two-year corporate procurement strategy was contained in Appendix A and was recommended to be put into place until 2026. This timeframe was shorter than previous strategies to ensure any future revisions reflected the transformation anticipated over the next two years within the authority.


As part of this transformation an options appraisal would be developed concerning the most cost-effective delivery model for procurement across the authority. The strategy recognised the opportunity that procurement activity had in maximising added value and efficiencies with a focus on achieving value for money, alongside collaborating with internal and external partners. The Procurement vision was to offer an outstanding procurement experience for stakeholders and suppliers that was transparent, provided opportunities for local businesses, delivered fantastic goods and services, delivered the best value for Middlesbrough’s residents, and supported achievement of the Council’s strategic priorities.


ORDERED that Executive approve the Corporate Procurement Strategy 2024-2026.




Do Nothing – The current strategy would expire, without a replacement. As such there would be no strategic vision aligning to the Council Plan for the purchase of goods and services




The Corporate Procurement Strategy set the strategic direction for the implementation of the Contract Procedure Rules, which were the regulatory framework for all staff to follow in respect of purchasing goods, services and works regardless of value. This strategy supported the aims and priorities of the Council.