Issue - meetings

Local Code of Corporate Governance

Meeting: 01/02/2024 - Audit Committee (Item 22)

22 Local Code of Corporate Governance pdf icon PDF 310 KB

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A report of the Director of Legal and Governance Services (Monitoring Officer) was presented to report the outcome of the annual review of the Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance (LCCG).


The Local Code of Corporate Governance provided a framework that enabled the Council to assess its governance arrangements against sectoral best practice.


The LCCG was reviewed annually to ensure it aligned with best practice. The report confirmed that the LCCG continued to align with the CIPFA code of practice on delivering good governance in local government which remained unchanged.   The Council’s Annual Governance Statement would assess compliance with the LCCG.


AGREED that the Audit Committee noted that there had been no changes in the past year to the CIPFA/SOLACE guidance document ‘Delivering Good Governance’ and, as such, that the current Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance was retained.