Issue - meetings

Internal Audit consultation report (for the 24/25 work programme)

Meeting: 01/02/2024 - Audit Committee (Item 24)

24 Internal Audit Consultation Report pdf icon PDF 289 KB

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The Head of Internal Audit presented a report to outline arrangements for developing the internal audit work programme and to ask for the Committee’s views on areas that should be considered for audit in 2024/2025.


The consultation report was attached at Appendix 1 to the submitted report and contained information on Veritau’s approach to producing the work programme and background on the internal audit opinion framework.  


The Committee’s views were sought on areas it considered a priority for internal audit coverage during 2024/25.  The report represents the first stage in consultation on the annual programme of work. A full draft programme would be brought back to the Committee at a later date.


The following areas were suggested to the Internal Auditor for consideration:


           Home To School Transport costs.

           Middlesbrough Development Corporation and relationship with Middlesbrough Council.

           The Council’s relationships with external agencies and contracts management.

           Controls over Council assets including alley gate keys, cotags, uniforms etc when staff leave employment. 

           Strategic Risk Register.


AGREED that the report was received and noted.