Issue - meetings

Annual Assurance Report HR

Meeting: 14/03/2024 - Audit Committee (Item 33)

33 HR Assurance Presentation pdf icon PDF 788 KB


The Head of Human Resources gave the annual HR Assurance Presentation and provided information in relation to:


           Employee Health and Wellbeing 2023/24

           Health and Wellbeing Work to Date

           Better Health at Work Award

           Employee Network Groups

           Staff Networks and Support Group

           Absence Management



With regard to the People Strategy, Health and Wellbeing and Recruitment and Retention, all the information on the intranet and staff portal would be refreshed.


Members requested further information in relation to sickness absence and the Head of HR agreed to provide a breakdown of long term and short term absences and reasons for absence by Directorate.


AGREED as follows that:

1. the information provided was received and noted.

2. further statistical data in relation to employee sickness absence would be provided to the Committtee.