Issue - meetings

Third Progress Report of the Middlesbrough Independent Improvement Advisory Board

Meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive (Item 12)

12 Third Progress Report of the Middlesbrough Independent Improvement Advisory Board pdf icon PDF 434 KB

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The Mayor and Executive Member for Adult Social Care submitted a report for Executive consideration. The purpose of the report was to present the third progress report of the Middlesbrough Independent Improvement Advisory Board, which set out the background to its appointment, a summary of activity to date, an overview of progress to date and views on the approach to transition towards business-as-usual, whilst demonstrating good corporate governance.


In September 2023, the Council appointed a discretionary Independent Improvement Advisory Board the Membership for which was detailed in the report.


The Board’s role was to provide oversight, support and challenge to the Council’s improvement and transformation journey, with particular focus on ensuring compliance with the Council’s Best Value Duty under the Local Government Act 1999, notably:


·         Cultural and governance issues, including those identified through previous Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) any future, external auditor reports.

·         Financial sustainability, including a balanced medium-term financial strategy aligned to the Council Plan.


The Board recognised the significant amount of activity the Council had undertaken around governance, culture and financial management since it last reported to Members in its Council report in March 2024. The Board’s latest report set out its views in detail as Appendix 1 of the report presented to Executive. In summary the Board felt there has been a significant improvement in fostering more positive relationships, behaviours, and organisational culture in the last 12 months as well as greater visibility of leadership and improved relationships both internally and externally.


The Board was also assessing the Council’s response to the financial challenges it had faced. Both the Board and the Council’s Leadership Team and Executive recognise the scale of this challenge.  The Board’s report contained key messages around this including the Council’s significant efforts in reducing its overspend pressures within the 2023/24 budget and the securing of the Exceptional Financial Support which provided time for the Council to develop its transformation programme.


The Regional Lead for the Local Government Association address Executive and stated that while good progress had been made, there remained work to do, especially around the Council’s financial position.


The Mayor thanked the Board for their efforts and commented the improvement process had been challenging and invited questions from Members. When asked about examples of best practice the Council had undertaken it was commented that examples included cross party working and the development of the Councillor Gateway. Members queried what timescales were envisaged for the improvement journey, but it was clarified this was difficult to specify. A query was raised about improved cross party working and the composition of the Executive. It was clarified that where Councils had a controlling group, as was the case with Middlesbrough, it was normal for the Executive to be comprised of one political group.






No other options were put forward as part of the report.




The Council needed to continue responding effectively and at pace, to ensure effective delivery of the planned improvements as set out in both the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12