Issue - meetings

Community Safety Partnership Plan

Meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive (Item 14)

14 Community Safety Partnership Plan pdf icon PDF 409 KB

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The Executive Member for Community Safety submitted a report for Executive’s consideration. The report summarised the Community Safety Plan for Middlesbrough 2024-26.


The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 placed statutory obligations on Local Authorities and the Police to work together with Health Authorities and other relevant agencies to prevent crime and disorder.


Section 97 of the Police Reform Act 2002 amended the above Act and included the Fire Service and Clinical Commissioning Groups (now Integrated Care Board) as responsible authorities. Further reforms now included Probation Services as a responsible authority as well as the Environment Agency and Registered Social Landlords as 'participatory bodies” within a Community Safety Partnership.


This legislation required the Partnership to produce a three-year plan detailing how it intended to tackle crime and disorder. This allowed for the development of strategies to tackle short, medium and long-term priorities.


Middlesbrough’s latest Community Safety Plan would run until the end of March 2026.


Earlier this year the Community Safety Partnership held a series of multi-agency meetings and identified several overarching priorities which were detailed in the report.



1.    Executive approve the proposed priorities and contents of the Community Safety Plan 2024-2026.

2.    An update on the Neighbourhood Safety Fund be provided to Executive.




As the plan was a statutory requirement no other alternatives were proposed as part of the report.




It was a statutory requirement for the Local Authority’s Community Safety Partnership to develop and produce a Community Safety Plan under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.


The key objectives set out in the plan were based upon assessment of crime and disorder issues across the town and reflect the views of the community and the Council’s partners.