Issue - meetings

The Disposal of Land at Hemlington Grange West

Meeting: 24/07/2024 - Executive (Item 20)

20 The Disposal of Land at Hemlington Grange West pdf icon PDF 125 KB

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At this point in the meeting the Press and Public were invited to rejoin the meeting.


The Executive Member for Regeneration submitted a report for Executive’s consideration.


The report sought approval for the disposal of Hemlington Grange West, which was allocated in the Housing Local Plan (2014) and Draft Housing Local Plan (2024), in accordance with the Council’s Asset Disposal Process, and to inform Executive of the next steps to take the site to market.


Hemlington Grange West was a Council owned site of circa 20.05 acres (8.11 ha) and was currently identified in the Housing Local Plan (2014) as part of the Hemlington Grange mixed use allocation. A site plan was attached as Appendix one of the report.


The site was originally envisaged as being a potential location for business use, but the outcome of an Employment Land Review had been determined that there was no demand in this location.


The site had subsequently been allocated in the Draft Local Plan 2024 for the development of approximately 170 dwellings and an appropriately scaled Local Centre.


The site would provide a mix of dwelling types and sizes, including bungalows, that complemented and enhanced the choice and quality of housing in the local area.


Vehicular access for the site would be taken from Hemlington Grange Way, whilst incorporating access to the adjacent Holme Farm allocation for vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Footpaths would also be provided to link into the wider network.


Hemlington Grange West had been formally established as a Level one project, identifying the strategic importance to the Council. The Council’s Programme and Project Management Framework (PPMF), underpins the achievement of its strategic objectives.


Demand for new homes continued to strengthen and the town required a significant supply of new housing developments over the next decade to allow the town to keep pace with local demand and national demographic trends. Middlesbrough’s Draft Local Plan, which had been informed by a Local Housing Needs Assessment (LHNA), identified a requirement for the delivery of 400 net additional dwellings per annum between 2022 and 2041.


The Executive Member for Finance and Governance expressed concern regarding the proposed local centre as the Member for an adjoining ward.


The Mayor proposed an amendment to the report to reflect that Executive had considered all relevant information in reaching its decision.


ORDERED That Executive:


1.    Approve the de-risking, marketing and disposal of the Hemlington Grange West housing site;

2.    Provides Delegated Authority for the Director of Regeneration and the Director of Finance, following consultation with the respective Executive Members, to approve the Public Open Space (POS) and Land Appropriation process.

3.    Confirms it considered all the relevant information in reaching its decision.




Don’t sell the land


This would have resulted in an inability to realise a planned capital receipt and in ability to grow the council tax income base. Failure to dispose of the land would be contrary to the current and draft Local Plans.


Sell the land prior to de-risking the site.


Previous market  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20